Family Unification Program

Family Unification Program (FUP) is a Housing Choice Voucher program funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). FUP promotes family unification by providing housing assistance to families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the separation of children from their parents. Under FUP, rental assistance is provided to families for whom the lack of adequate housing would result in: The imminent placement of the family’s child or children in out-of-home care, or  The delay in the discharge of the child or children to the family from out-of-home care. To administer the program, a Memorandum of Procedure (MOP) between Social Services Agency (SSA) and the Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) was developed. The MOP consists of guidelines set forth to operate the Family Unification Program.

The relationship between the two agencies with regard to this procedure is based upon the following:  
    1. SSA refers eligible families and emancipated youth to OCHA.
    2. OCHA provides a Housing Choice Voucher to eligible families and emancipated youth.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria: The families selected for participation in the Family Unification Program must be eligible for assistance under OCHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program and must meet Family Unification eligibility criteria as certified by SSA. Upon OCHA determination that the family is eligible to receive housing assistance, a Housing Choice Voucher will be issued to the family or emancipated youth.

OCHA contacts are:

Peggy Herrera             Last name A-F   Phone: 714-480-2777    email:

Katy Liao                      Last name G-L   Phone: 714-480-2953    email:

Phu Nguyen                 Last name M-R  Phone: 714-480-2752    email:

Sandra Chirino             Last name S-Z    Phone:  714-480-2980   email: