Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)

Family self-sufficiency (FSS) is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program to help Housing Choice Voucher program families obtain employment that will lead to economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Public housing agencies work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses, and other local partners to develop a comprehensive program that gives participating FSS family members the skills and experience to enable them to obtain employment that pays a living wage.

What is FSS?


¿Que es FSS?

If you’re interested in participating in the FSS program, please complete the below online FSS application online or scan the QR code below. You may also contact Peggy Herrera at 714-480-2777 or for assistance. 

                                                                          FSS RESOURCES
                                                                           FSS Program Brochure
                                                                                      FSS Flyer